Many people think that building a website is impossible because they know neither code nor technology. In fact, building a website is not difficult, and you can easily have your own website without the foundation of building a website. Come to GoDaddy and create your own website in a few easy steps! The following are some of the most important steps in building a website. Today, I will share with you what help you can get when building a website on GoDaddy.

1. If you want to build a website, you first need to register and purchase a domain name. Godaddy started with a domain name. The service in this area is very professional. There are hundreds of suffixes to choose from. The most common .com domain name is generally tens of yuan a year. ; In addition to the choice of common domain names such as .com and .cn, domain names such as technology (.tech, .io), application (.app), and personal blog (.blog) can also be found on Goudaddy.

Second, buy a server. The server is mainly used to store website programs and databases, and store website data (including text/pictures/codes, etc.). GoDaddy can provide hosting services at the same time. Currently, GoDaddy is doing activities. If you buy a one-year virtual hosting service, you can directly send .com domain names and business emails. It is a one-stop solution, which is very convenient. They also have many types of hosting products, including cPanel web hosting, VPS cloud hosting, business hosting, WordPress hosting, WordPress e-commerce dedicated hosting and dedicated servers, all of which have a high degree of freedom of choice and can provide multi-configuration hosting plans.

3. After the domain name and server are purchased, you can build a website. If you have purchased a domain name from GoDaddy, the platform will directly give you a free website building service with a 30-day free usage period. GoDaddy provides an easy-to-use, self-service website building platform with multiple website templates and full functions, which is of great help to future website construction work. Godaddy “site building artifact” summarizes the following features:

1) Thousands of website templates can be used at will without knowing technical codes, and on the basis of using templates, you can also create a personalized website style by simply dragging and inserting

2) Don’t worry about pirated pictures, GoDaddy provides free professional pictures for you to use.

3) Adapt to various devices, and can also respond quickly on mobile phones.

4) One-click association with relevant social media platforms. At the same time, in order to allow more people to see your website, you can set SEO optimized keywords in the GoDaddy background to improve your website’s ranking in search engines.

In general, it is not difficult to build your own website, but the difficult thing is to operate it, for example, how to write good articles to promote your own brand, how to let more people know about your website, etc. If you are troubled by the problem of building a website and can’t start, you can consult the customer service on GoDaddy’s official website. GoDaddy’s website building services are highly recommended.

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